And this cycle creates large energy demands, consumes large amounts of land and open space, and displaces the agricultural lands surrounding the city. 这样的循环造成了巨大的能源需求,占用了大量土地和开阔空间,就连城市周边的农耕地也被占用。
Dear God, I could use a little break from this cycle, to give myself some space to discover what I look like and talk like when I'm not trying to merge with someone. 天啊,我真该暂时摆脱这种循环,稍事休息,给自己一些空间去发现,在我不试着与他人融为一体时,我自己看起来、说起话来的样子。
The Business Cycle in China; The Method of Wavenumber Space Analysis for Acoustic Natures of Periodically Stiffened Plate 中国经济周期波动特征分析:滤波方法的应用周期加筋板声学性质的波数空间分析方法
The research of Reverse Brayton cycle cryogenic refrigerator will prompt the development of space technology. 同时,对逆布雷顿循环低温制冷机的研究有利于空间和宇航制冷技术的发展。
A plant that completes its entire life cycle within the space of a year. 在一年中完成其生命周期的植物。
Some countries are in the midst of an upward growth cycle ( rising rents, take-up of space and development). 一些国家正处在增长周期的上升阶段(租金不断上涨、面积和开发项目增加)。
He concept of liquified air cycle engine ( LACE) for space vehicles has been studied. 研究了应用于空天飞机的液体空气循环发动机。
The plane wave error is always negative windage, when the sound wave is the cycle function of space and time. 当声波是空间位置和时间的周期函数时,平面波误差项永远是一负偏差项。
Closed Brayton Cycle for Space Power and Research of it in Our Country 空间站闭式Brayton循环及我国在相关方面的研究
A review on the closed brayton cycle solar dynamic space power system 闭式Brayton循环的太阳能热动力空间发电技术
Based on the historical active cycle and the evolution of seismicity gap in space, the tendency of earthquake in the region is studied. 从历史活动周期及小震空区空间演化特征,以不同的角度讨论分析研究了所属区域的震情发展趋势。
The Primary Research on Life Cycle Cost Estimate of Space Equipment 航天装备全寿命费用估算方法初探
In the soft nonlinear regime at which the field exhibits limit cycle oscillation, the chaotic region increases and gradually engulfs the whole phase space as the current increases. 在场呈极限环状态的“软”非线性区域,电子的混沌轨道占据大部分相空间;
The close relation of origin is shown between the iron-formation and the sedimentary cycle in time, space and compositional source. 含铁建造与沉积旋回在时空和物源上存在着密切的成因联系。
An exposition is also made on the cycle of life of actual matter in space and time along with the original matter Three-Yuan, beyond the limit of space and time. 论述了现实物质在空间和时间中生生不息,而本原物质三元不受时空限制;
In this paper we study the propagation of the single cycle or much shorter pulsed-beam in free space. 研究了单周期或更短的超短脉冲光束在真空中的传输。
The model parameters are estimated based on the improved optimized model. The future values of the cycle time in its mutual space are predicted. 针对混沌时间序列的难以预测和控制的问题,提出了基于趋势的混沌预测模型,用改进的最优化方法来估计模型的参数,在其相空间中对时序的未来值进行预测。
General principle and basic as well as concrete policies all have their own the boundary of time space, cycle of time space and efficiency of time space. 总政策、基本政策和具体政策都具有自己的时空边界、时空周期和时空效力。
The variations of soil water cycle in time and space drove the evolution of vegetation and created favorable conditions for the invasion of many herbaceous species. 土壤水分循环的时空变异驱动了植被的演变,为大量的草本的侵入和定居创造了条件;
Lithium-ion cells offer significant improvements in energy density, specific energy and cycle life compared with Cd-Ni cells and H_2-Ni cells for future space missions. 对于未来的空间任务,锂离子蓄电池因其卓越的重量比能量、体积比能量以及循环寿命而比传统的镉镍蓄电池表现出更大的优势。
The changes of tumor cells on their growth, cycle, morphology, and adhesive force after outer space circumstance were understood primarily. These results laid a foundation for further study on tumor vaccine and tumor biology. 初步了解太空环境下肿瘤细胞在生长、周期、形态、粘附力等方面的变化,为肿瘤疫苗与肿瘤生物学方面的深入研究打下基础。
With this experimental system, the influence of short cycle fluctuation of the space environment on thermal control system is investigated and the method that reducing the experimental simulation time is tried and analyzed. 利用该系统,本文实验模拟了热辐射环境的短周期波动对热控制系统造成的影响,用压缩周期的方法模拟了热辐射环境长周期波动的影响并进行了分析。
In RUP, the core work of the software development life cycle time and RUP flow is divided into a two-dimensional space. 在RUP中,软件开发生命周期根据时间和RUP的核心工作流划分为二维空间。
At the same time, the long cycle of archaeological research, can not supply sites the information and space for systematic and complete display in the short term. 同时,考古研究周期过长,无法在短期内提供遗址完整、系统展示所需要的信息与空间,限制了展示工作,使得史前遗址的展示陷入了跋前踬后的状态。
The strategy model of security analysis will further evolve into an approach similar to security selection, will be continuously improved in different aspects, such as the profit cycle of industry, safety margin, growth space etc., and the instability of industrial structure can be addressed. 证券分析的策略模式将更加演变为类似于选股的方法,从行业的盈利周期、安全边际、成长空间等方面不断完善,并且能够解决行业结构的不稳定性。
Who can provide a full range of quality services to improve member satisfaction, who will be able to gain the initiative in the market competition and establish a reliable market image, forming a virtuous cycle for their own struggle for survival space and greater development. 谁能够提供全面优质的服务,提高会员的满意度,谁就能在市场竞争中取得主动,树立起值得信赖的市场形象,形成良性循环,为自己谋求生存的空间和更大的发展。
The innovation of this paper is achieved using Turbo coding look-up table method that can reduce the computational complexity, reduce cycle time and save storage space. 本文的创新点在于利用查找表方法实现Turbo编码,可以减少计算复杂度、缩短周期、节约存储空间。
To reduce the debugging cycle of ground operation control system and space satellite system, and carry on the simulation test and the technical confirmation to the satellite navigation system quantitatively, it is imperative to build an earth station observation simulation system. 为了缩短地面运控系统与空间卫星系统的调试周期,定量的对卫星导航系统进行仿真测试和技术验证,建立地面站观测数据仿真系统势在必行。
In addition, the problems existed in business cycle study are also very obvious. This provides a broad space for analyzing employment issue on the theoretical basis of business cycle. 另外,对于经济周期问题的研究所存在的问题也是十分明显的,这便为经济周期理论的进一步运用,尤其是用该理论来分析就业问题提供了一个广阔的空间。
The events of cell cycle take place in the order of timing and space, which ensures that cell division and chromosome segregation are completed with high fidelity. 细胞周期各事件按正常时空顺序发生,才能确保遗传信息忠实传递及细胞正常分裂。